The trial in the News-Press' lawsuit against the Independent for copyright infringement has been postponed.
Although the News-Press had some weeks ago unsuccessfully sought to delay the trial which was to begin Tuesday January 29, this time the postponement came from the court itself.
The clerk's office for the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles notified the attorneys for the respective parties of the postponement yesterday afternoon however it gave no reason for why the trial is being delayed.
It could be due to a couple of things. One possibility is that judge who is to hear the case may be occupied with another trial that day. The other possibility is that the court anticipates that its ruling on the motion to reconsider made by the Independent to have the News-Press' remaining claims of copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets dismissed will be dispositive of the case.
A discovery motion in the case which was to have been heard yesterday afternoon was also postponed by the court.
It's the film that News-Press owner Wendy McCaw doesn't want you to see but you will soon get your chance to see it. While it won't be premiered at the upcoming Santa Barbara International Film Festival the first public showing of the highly anticipated documentary of the News-Press meltdown and its aftermath is set for Friday March 7 at the Arlington Theater.

Titled "Citizen McCaw" the film's producers have received no less than four letters from the bashful blonde's attorneys threatening legal action if they go forward with the film. Barry Cappello who represented the News-Press in last summer's NLRB hearing unsuccessfully tried to subpoena all of the footage shot for the film.
Immediately following the 7:30 pm showing of the film I will moderate a question and answer session with the film's producers.
Tickets go on sale Friday at the Arlington Ticket agency or by calling 805 963-4408, or online at
General admission tickets cost $15. There are also VIP tickets available for $200 which get you prime seats for the premiere and also admit you to the post-premiere reception with the filmmakers and some of the special guests who appear in the film.
The film's official website is
It's not known if he was pushed or if he jumped of his own accord but the latest employee to depart the News-Press is assistant city editor James Zoltak.
With the paper already short-staffed Zoltak was often the only "editor" on duty on the weekends.
With Zoltak's departure and associate editor Scott Steepleton reportedly still out with pneumonia, the only editor in the newsroom these days would appear to be business editor Dale Rim.
Former News-Press reporter Hannah Guzik, who most recently was a part-time reporter for the Daily Sound recently left her position there to take a full-time job in the Ventura area.
In case you haven't heard, Hillary Clinton will be at UCSB tonight. Doors open at 6 pm for the campaign rally which will take place in one of the gyms at the campus recreation center.
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