In what was probably the shortest "firing" in News-Press history, assistant city editor James Zoltak is back on the job.
Apparently there was a disagreement between Zoltak and business editor Dale Rim. Rim "fired" Zoltak, all of this while Scott Steepleton, the newsroom's head Fred, was out sick.
There was some question as to Rim's authority to fire people so when Steepleton returned to work on Thursday Zoltak was called in and a meeting was held with Steepleton, Zoltak, Rim, and Yolanda Apodaca, the director of HR for the paper.
The verdict is that Zoltak is staying.
I don't know whether to congratulate Zoltak or offer my condolences.
I couldn't be there myself (I had a class to teach in Ventura) but according to news accounts it was a packed house last night for Hillary Clinton's appearance at UCSB. Although about 1000 people got in to see the candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination about three times that many were turned away.
There's a video of the rally at KEYT's website.
And at News-Press TV as well.
The announcement of the premiere date for "Citizen McCaw," Sam Tyler's documentary on the News-Press saga got lots on attention on the Internet. Editor & Publisher as well as LA Observed both had posts on it.
Closer to home it was the subject of stories in The Daily Sound, Blogabarbara and Barney Brantingham's Thursday column in the Independent.
In fact, about the only news outlet not to cover the story was, the News-Press.
I guess the news broke too late for Dr. Laura to pick it up.
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