Back in the '60's when I was growing up I vaguely remember a horror film that advertised it was so scary that: "Nurses will be on duty in the lobby to attend to any members of the audience."

Photo credit: Chuck Cagara /
Well, 127 Hours, which I finally screwed up the courage to go see when it was shown at the Film Fest on Saturday, wasn't that bad, but there sure was a lot of blood and gore when James Franco's character amputates his own right arm in order to free himself from a boulder that has pinned him while he was exploring the remote canyons of Utah.
It had been reported that audience members had actually fainted during early screenings of the film. Didn't see any of that at the Lobero but I do think everyone in attendance should have at least been given a T-Shirt that said: "I Survived 127 Hours."
So, yes, in spite of much trepidation, I survived. Did I keep my eyes open during the whole movie you ask? Well, that's a two drink minimum to find out the answer to that question.
A few hours after the afternoon screening James Franco himself appeared in the flesh (Oops! Maybe that's not the best term to use.) on the red carpet of the Arlington where he was honored with the "Outstanding Performance of the Year Award."
According to Chuck Cagara, who shoots all of these great Film Fest photos that I post here, Franco was an hour late in arriving to the Arlington, and when he got out of the limo a fan was overheard to say, "Hey, he's got both arms!"
Film Fest Director Roger Durling told me he is much more relaxed now that his interview of Annette Bening at Friday night's tribute to her is behind him. He will be interviewing Nicole Kidman next Saturday when she comes to town to receive the Cinema Vanguard Award.
Roger recommended two films to see: Simple Simon, which will be shown again on Monday at 10:20 pm at the Metro 4 and Patisserie (Coin de Rue), which will be shown again on Tuesday at 4:20 pm and Saturday at 7:40 pm. Both showings are at the Metro 4.
More Film Fest Photos by Chuck Cagara in this year's photo gallery.
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