County officials may be determined to shut down "Floatopia," which is scheduled for this coming weekend on the beaches of Isla Vista, but UCSB students don't seem to have gotten the memo.
The "Campus Comment" column in Tuesday's print edition of the Daily Nexus, UCSB's student newspaper, posed the question of, "What are your plans for Floatopia given the new alcohol ban?"
The responses of six UCSB students were published. Most detailed answer came from Jane Volfson, who was identified as a third-year political science major, who said, "I'm having a lot of friends come down and we're going to pregame, party and I don't think I want the rest printed."
Neither do Jane's parents.
Most succinct response came from first-year biology major Ella Benedick who responded, "Get schwastey and float."
Suddenly I'm reminded of that RV, from which rock music could be heard blasting, that was parked at East Beach several springs ago during the annual sorority volleyball tournament. The RV had the sign on the outside that read, "Don't laugh, your daughter could be in here."
I thought it was funny then but I'm not laughing now.
So, where is the best place to see fireworks in Santa Barbara in April? Probably at the Faulkner Gallery of the main branch of the Santa Barbara City Library, where the two candidates to become the county's next district attorney will be having their first debate tonight.
Believe me, there is no love lost between Joyce Dudley and Josh Lynn.
The debate is sponsored by Santa Barbara College of Law, but that is no guarantee that it will be scholarly and genteel. The pyrotechnics start at 7 pm. I plan to "pregame" at Opal.
I promise I won't get "schwastey."
Dave Edelman, is no longer with Cox Cable, where he had been the long-time director of community relations.

Maybe if he's lucky, he'll be assigned to cover Floatopia.
© 2010 by Craig Smith and