Waking up to voices saying, "Take This Dirt and Shove It!
Talk about your "Garden Wiseguy." By now you've probably heard about El Puente school putting out the word that they needed donations for the new vegetable garden they were installing. They got a response in the form of a free truckload of soil. Everything was cool until they discovered that the donor, James Lee, was the owner of a local medical marijuana dispensary.
School officials now want to wash their hands of the dirt. Maybe they should have been tipped off when Cheech and Chong stepped out of the truck to make the delivery.
What has the world come to when you can't take dirt from someone who's growing a little grass?
Perhaps the school officials should remember what they must have been taught in the first grade: Never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Speaking of dirt, in the race for Santa Barbara County District Attorney, campaign finance disclosure statements are out and Joyce Dudley has raised $29,000 more than her opponent Josh Lynn. It's the front page story in today's Daily Sound.
In a development that will surely affect more local Democrats than Republicans, safety officials are now considering whether to extend Toyota's recall of cars to the Prius model as well. Well, conservatives always say that liberals don't know how to put on the brakes.
The Santa Barbara Film Fest opens tonight with the film Flying Lessons, which was shot in the Santa Ynez Valley, being shown at 8pm at the Arlington. This may be your one and only chance to see the movie as it has yet to secure a distribution deal.
There's an awful lot of media interest in the Film Fest. I waited 30 minutes in line in the lobby of the Hotel Santa Barbara yesterday afternoon to pick up my press pass. Also in line, Scott Steepleton of the News-Press, Julie Ramos of KTYD, Joe Gehl of KEYT and former KEYT reporter Michelle Cole.
With rain being forecast for Friday and Saturday, it may be a good time to watch movies. Here is the Film Fest schedule from Edhat to help you plan your weekend.
Film fest coverage from The L.A. Times and Variety.
You may have noticed that as I return to a routine of blogging on a daily basis, I now post in the morning rather than overnight. That's bad news for the insomniacs and early risers who read me, but by getting up early and writing, rather than late at night, I can scan the stories that are in the day's headlines, and, I'm much fresher from a creative standpoint. So, although my post for that day won't appear in the Edhat daily e-mail so many of you receive, I should have a fresh column up by the time you take your first coffee break of the morning.
For the record, Randy Alcorn continues to write his column for the Daily Sound although it also appears on Noozhawk and in the Santa Maria Times.
Can't find a Daily Sound this morning? Here's what the front page looks like.
See you at the movies!
© 2010 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com