The most recent cost cutting measures at the Santa Barbara News-Press were not limited to laying off 15 employees on Friday.
The press release issued by the paper referred to "other cost containment measures" that were being "contemplated."
I've learned that those other measures include an across the board eight percent pay cut for all non-newsroom employees. (I believe the ongoing negotiations with the Teamsters Union prevents management from imposing the pay cut on those who work in the newsroom without bargaining over it.)
Management is also reportedly looking into changing the employees' health care plan so that the employee pays 50 percent of their health care expenses instead of the current 20 percent with the paper picking up the remainder of the costs.
And, the paper is also talking about implementing a policy where pencils, pens, and paper would have to be "signed out" as well as installing a time-clock.
Friday's layoffs included two new hires in the advertising department. There are now only three sales representatives to cover the territory between Montecito and Goleta.
At this rate, one has to wonder, what will be left to cut when May 1 rolls around next year?
© 2009 by Craig Smith and