UPDATE: 9 pm. Here's the latest press release from the City and County on the Jesusita Fire.
Intermittent Power Outages Expected
Southern California Edison power lines are affected by smoke from the Jesusita Fire, resulting in intermittent power outages along the South Coast. Residents and businesses are advised to prepare for possible power outages tonight and tomorrow. Please refrain from unnecessary power use to reduce demand on the power grid.
Fire Status (updates underlined)
• At approximately 1:45 p.m. a fire began in the Cathedral Peak area. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.
• Approximately 150-160 acres burned. Approximately 80 fire personnel are on scene.
• The American Red Cross has relocated the evacuation center from the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Barbara to Dos Pueblos High School – 7266 Alameda Avenue in Goleta (near Cathedral Oaks and Glen Annie Roads). A secondary facility may be opened at UC Santa Barbara’s Multi Cultural Center if needed.
• The fire response is being administered by a Unified Command consisting of the Santa Barbara Fire Department, Santa Barbara County Fire Department, Montecito Fire, and the US Forest Service.
• Schools closures for tomorrow, May 6th, 2009:
Peabody Charter
Cesar Chavez Charter
Roosevelt Elementary
Cleveland Elementary
Franklin Elementary
Marymount School (Not listed in press release, but confirmed by me.)
• 14 strike teams (70 fire engines) from other agencies are responding to the staging area to assist with structure protection.
• A large animal evacuation center has been established at the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara.
• A small animal evacuation shelter has been established by the Humane Society on Overpass Road. For more information call 681-4332.
• The National Weather Service anticipates continued warm weather and high wind conditions to the northwest.
Additional information will be available at www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov and on City TV 18.
For more information:
CityTV Channel 18
KEYT-TV Channel 3
Radio Stations:
FM: KCSB-91.9; KSYV-96.7; KTYD-99.9; KSBL-101.7; KRAZ-105.9
AM: KTMS-990; KZSB-1290; KUHL-1410; KINF-1440
Spanish language FM stations KSPE-94.5 and KIST-107.7
Fire photos and more news can be found here. (City2.org)
LA Times article on the fire.