Exactly one year ago yesterday, Santa Barbara's Blog listed the most popular local blogs and websites using the Alexa.com traffic rank.
A year later, each of the 14 websites and blogs on last year's list moved up in traffic rank except one; Santa Barbara's Blog.
Last year, Santa Barbara's Blog was the 378,898 most visited website on the Internet.
This year it fell to 412,473 most visited. That's an 8 percent decrease.
My own blog posted a 359 percent increase, moving from 3,426,659 to 745,438.
The only two local websites who posted larger gains in popularity were Noozhawk (378,544) which posted a gain of 609 percent and The Daily Sound (183,411 ) which posted a whopping gain of 1,849 percent.
The highest ranked Santa Barbara website both this year and last, according to Alexa, is The Independent (53,713).
John Dixon's SantaBarbara.com (129,257) has the second highest traffic ranking among local sites.
KEYT (134,822) moved up from fifth last year to third this year and nudged newspress.com (167,561) out of third place and down to fourth place.
Although still gaining readers, the rise of The Daily Sound and KEYT, bumped Edhat (203,054) down from fourth place last year, to sixth place this year.
And, in case you're wondering, the most popular site on the World Wide Web is Yahoo (1) followed by Google (2).
Gina Perry, that hater of all things and people liberal and progressive, is at it again.
In her latest column in the Daily Sound, Perry seems to be advocating for bicyclists to get off the roads.
For example she says:
A Chevrolet Suburban (a mid-sized vehicle if you consider the size and weight of trucks and buses traversing city roadways) weighs about eight thousand pounds. Conservatively speaking, so does an African elephant. The average bicycle weighs between 20 and 40 pounds - the size of your average toddler. An adult who allowed a toddler to play with an elephant would be considered unreasonable (on a good day) by most community standards.
If that's her own Suburban she's referring to, isn't that vehicle a little large for Perry to be chauffeuring her small mind around in?
© 2009 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com