Yesterday, I reported that sportscaster Gerry Fall "appears" to be out at KEYT.
Turns out, the operative word was "appears." While Gerry has been out on an extended personal leave, he is expected to return to Channel 3, although it may be several more weeks before he does so.
So much of local sports coverage consists of the results high school coaches and managers of recreation league teams phone in to the newspaper. A year ago, the News-Press had a sports staff or eight or nine people to field those calls. As of now, they only have two people to take those calls, and do everything else.
Over at Edhat, one of the commenters suggested that people stop sending in their sports results to the News-Press.
Edhat is willing to receive local sports results, including scores, pictures, and stories, and will post them on the website and link to them in the daily newsletter. Just send them to
Adam Lundquist who does the sports over at radio station KJEE now has a regular sports column that appears on Thursdays in the Daily Sound.
Dave Loveton, who was a sportswriter at the News-Press for 24 years, is also writing occasionally for the Daily Sound. Most recently, he covered the Santa Barbara Golf Classic, and he is also working part-time as SBCC's Sports Information Specialist.
So what is Blake Dorfman, who is returning from China, going to be doing now that he's resigned from the News-Press? From Seoul Airport, he e-mailed to tell me that he's come up with a way to provide Santa Barbara with the type of in-depth local sports coverage it deserves.
I, and it sounds like a lot of other people around here, can't wait to find out what that is.
Janelle Holcombe, the photographer for the Daily Sound who has been with the paper ever since it began, is leaving. Her last day was Friday. She is moving to San Diego to marry her fiancée.