Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Counting Down To "Citizen McCaw"

"Citizen McCaw" seems to be the talk of the town. There was a write up about it in last Thursday's Independent, and over on Noozhawk. It's premiere this Friday has been noted at Jeffrey Wells' Hollywood Elsewhere blog at L.A. Observed and of course at Blogabarbara.

Legendary Santa Barbara blogger Doc Searls, sends his regrets that he won't be able to make it for the premiere.

Just wondering. Why is there no mention of "Citizen McCaw" at Santa Barbara's Blog?

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Rumored to have toured the Granada Theater yesterday, was none other than Citizen McCaw herself, reportedly accompanied by her attorney Barry Cappello.

Wonder what she thought of the "McCune Founder's Room?"

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Congratulations to Jerry Roberts and his staff. The Daily Nexus took home seven awards this past weekend, including three first-place titles at the annual California College Media Association competition.

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While the "gang truce" was certainly welcome news, did it really warrant those huge headlines in Monday's Daily Sound (especially in light of the fact that the truce that's been agreed to is only for three consecutive Sundays)?

Headlines that big should only be used to herald the end of world wars.

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By now you've probably seen that Hillary Clinton campaign commercial. The one that asks when the phone in the White House rings at 3 a.m. in the morning, who do you want picking it up.

I have no doubt that Hillary got lots of experience in answering those 3 a.m. phone calls to the White House back when Bill Clinton was president. Only problem is the caller was more often than not asking; "It's 3 a.m., do you know where your husband is?"