Ever since I started blogging back in September of 2005 there's always been a part of me that has thought that in some ways blogging is kind of a silly thing to spend one's time doing.
The notion of me popping off about whatever is on my mind and people actually reading what I have to say defies all of the laws of the universe in my book.
Yes, my unlikely dream has become Wendy McCaw's nightmare but now that basketball great Kareem Adbul-Jabbar is now blogging for the L.A. Times website suddenly, somehow, I don't feel so silly.

He doesn't know it, (because he doesn't even know me) but he is the person who is singly most responsible for my having gone to college at UCLA.
Truth be known, it wasn't the great education, it wasn't the relatively cheap tuition and it wasn't even the pretty girls that attracted me to Westwood. It was UCLA basketball. And back when I was in high school, Lew Alcindor, the name Kareem went by in those days, dominated the college game.
So dominant, they rewrote the rule book because of him. How many of you remember that dunking the ball was outlawed when Kareem played in college?
And he wasn't some dumb jock. He was the thinking man's athlete, an athlete who thought, an athlete who had a social conscience.
I hadn't noticed it until yesterday, but Kareem started blogging for The Times around the first of February. If Kareem is blogging, blogging must truly be legit.
Anyway, I'm adding his blog to my regular reading list.
By the way, have you noticed how many blogs The L.A. Times hosts on its website these days?
All The Rage
All Things Trojan
Babylon & Beyond
Bit Player
Blue Notes - Dodgers
Bottleneck Blog
Daily Dish
Daily Mirror
Daily Travel & Deal Blog
The Dish Rag
Emerald City
Evolution of a Website
Extended Play
Gold Derby
The Homeroom
The Homicide Report
Jacket Copy
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Blog
L.A. Land
La Plaza
Movable Buffet
Opinion LA
Pardon Our Dust
Readers’ Representative Journal
Show Tracker
Top of the Ticket
Up To Speed
Varsity Times Insider
Web Scout
What´s Bruin
Woman in Progress
If Wendy McCaw wants to pump a little life into a faltering News-Press perhaps she ought to consider adding a few blogs to the News-Press website.