Election nights are the busiest nights of the year at a newspaper. But on the morning following the election, Wednesday's Santa Barbara News-Press did not carry one election night story with a byline from City Editor Scott Steepleton.
He reportedly went home "sick" late on Tuesday afternoon. By all accounts he looked fine a little earlier in the day even slurping his traditional 44 ounce soda from a nearby fast food restaurant. Although the Quaids were a no show at their scheduled court hearing earlier in the day on Tuesday, Steepleton showed up to cover it.
Late Tuesday afternoon Steepleton was seen sitting in his car in the News-Press parking lot while his wife Charlotte Boechler, who also works at the paper, evidently went upstairs to retrieve his things from his desk.
If and when I find out more about this story, I will be sure to pass it on.
And here's the latest.
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