Barry Cappello, who was already among Santa Barbara's most high profile lawyers long before he started representing News-Press owner Wendy McCaw, is trying to put the kibosh on rumors that his marriage is on the rocks.
He attributes the rumors to a Barney Brantingham print column which referenced a story I first reported about he and Wendy splitting.
Barry surmises that people who don't know that his wife's first name is Lori probably saw the headlines that referred to "splitting" and thought it was a reference to his marriage rather than to his legal representation of McCaw.
He sets the record straight in Barney's column that appears in this week's Independent.
While it's probably safe to say that like, Cher, Prince and Oprah, Wendy has pretty good first-name only recognition around here, I'm not so sure one can say the same about Barry or that it follows that anyone who would see the name "Barry" in a headline would immediately think "Cappello." But in any event, I'm glad to help spread the word that all is copacetic at the Cappello household.
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