Later this month he'll be starting a new job
During his roughly three years with the Sound, Eric covered countless hard news stories including the extensive News-Press/NLRB hearings during the summer of 2007. He would also occasionally write features such as the one about his experience spending a night aboard the aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan.
Everyone at the Daily Sound has been great," Eric told me via an e-mail. "I can't imagine a better way to have started my career — and I'll definitely miss Santa Barbara."
And those of us who are news junkies will miss Eric's reporting. His last day with the paper is this coming Monday.
Lindberg isn't the only staffer to have left the Sound recently. Early in June, Ray Estrada, the Sound's business writer, left to join Noozhawk where his objective is, "to start a cutting-edge online business section.
And although he's still writing his weekly column for the Montecito Journal and not going anywhere, Richard Mineards recently inked a deal with Meredith Broadcasting where he will soon start doing a weekly 90-second segment on, "the rich, famous and royal." Although they won't be available for viewing in our area, the segments will be carried on Meredith's 12 broadcast stations around the country during the local newscasts.
Sounds like a royality TV show to me.
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