Ever since Josh Lynn was unceremoniously fired from the DA's office last week, the contents of an e-mail he had sent out a few days earlier to the staff of the office has been the source of a lot of speculation. It had been suggested by acting DA Ann Bramsen and supporters of DA elect Joyce Dudley, that the e-mail may have been one of the things that precipitated Lynn's dismissal.
Well, I have finally obtained from a reliable source who wishes to remain anonymous, a copy of the e-mail.
The message hardly appears to be the "pot-stirrer" which some people hinted that it was. Nor did it appear to encourage, "open contempt and disdain for Dudley, while encouraging activism," as one commenter at the Independent suggested. Rather, all Lynn seemed to say was that he was being forced to take the first step in what would be a long walk on a short plank. But you can judge for yourself. Here is the text of Lynn's e-mail:
"To those of you wishing me well and asking others where I am, I write this to say howdy. I have been told by Ann Bramsen, apparently from County Counsel's contact with Joyce, not to return to work and to remain suspended. I believe they are calling it involuntary administrative leave. No reason has been given to me for this treatment. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts. Feel free to call me (sic) cell phone as always.
- Joshua F. Lynn"
Earlier today, Tuesday, Dudley was sworn in as the new District Attorney during the Board of Supervisors regular Tuesday meeting. The only mention of the Josh Lynn debacle came from radio host Andy Caldwell, who in his public comments before the Board noted the fiasco and suggested that Dudley rehire Lynn and perhaps even send him to New Cuyama ( a reference to the County's most remote outpost) if she wished.
A little bit of a commotion threatened to upset the ceremony when a guy named "Dr. John" was denied permission to make additional public comment on the motion to appoint Dudley.
Superior Court Judge Frank Ochoa administered the oath of office, while Dudley's family, including her husband and mother, looked on and former KEYT anchor Debby Davison sat in the front row filming everything.
After being sworn in, Dudley told the audience that there are, "No words to express the honor that I feel."
First District Supervisor Salud Carbajal said in his remarks, "today we are a better Santa Barbara County because of Joyce Dudley." He also spoke of the "healing that needs to take place."
Amen to that.
© 2010 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com