Well, for awhile at least.
It began in the rain and ended under a summer like sun. The 25th annual Santa Barbara Film Fest wrapped up on Sunday.
I'd like to publicly thank Chuck and Marie Cagara at www.MagicalLightPhotography.com for the great photos that they supplied me with throughout the Festival.
I'd say this year's Film Fest was a huge success. For one thing, unlike last year, I made it through the 10 days without experiencing a three martini hangover.
If you didn't attend the Festival and want to find out what you missed or if you did attend and just want to relive it, there are good recaps from Barney Brantingham at the Independent and Brett Johnson of the Ventura County Star.

(The photo to the left is courtesy of
Rod Rolle.)
Sidibe, in person, is nothing remotely like the character that she plays on the screen in Precious. There are some actors, John Wayne for example, who made a good career out of just playing themselves. Sidibe, who was honored with a Virtuoso Award this year at the Santa Barbara International Film Fest, won't fall into that category.
Keep in mind that Sidibe had never acted before on any level, never studied acting, and only decided to audition for the part because she had liked the book.
The video I shot of her on the red carpet should give you a little hint of the difference between "Gaby" and "Precious."
Mike Klan, weekend anchor and general assignment reporter for KEYT, is now the sports director for the station and will be on the the 6 and 11 pm newscasts Monday through Friday doing sports.
It looks to me like the only news outlet that hasn't reported on Wendy McCaw being ordered to pay Jerry Roberts $900,000,
© 2010 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com