Which one of these
Well duh! The one I circled. Randall Van Wolfswinkel.
At SBHS he was a student of Barbara Fuller, who remembers him, "as a good student, a nice young man who was already starting into business putting in drip systems."
After graduating in 1983, (the yearbook photo is from 1981 when he was a sophomore) he moved away to Texas, hit it big there building homes and is now throwing money around Santa Barbara like a sailor on shore leave. A very rich sailor.
Is there any bottom to the deep pockets of this Texan?
Evidently not!
Recent campaign finance disclosure statements show that a little over a week ago he gave another $50,000 to the Preserve Our Santa Barbara, the political action committee he formed to elect a slate of four candidates and assure the passage of Measure B, which would limit building heights. The money was given on October 20, in the form of an interest free loan. That's on top of the $468,697.00, Preserve Our Santa Barbara had previously reported receiving from him.
We are less than a week away from November 3, the last day ballots in the City of Santa Barbara's vote-by-mail election can be turned in. State election law requires that late campaign expenditures, those made during the 16 days immediately preceding the election, be reported within 24 hours.
The $50,000 Van Wolfswinkel contribution was included in a campaign disclosure statement, reporting that on Tuesday, Preserve Our Santa Barbara spent nearly $1,800 on a mailer supporting mayoral candidate Dale Francisco, and council candidates, Cathie McCammon, Michael Self and Frank Hotchkiss.
That's on top of the half-million it has already spent to support its candidates and defeat the front-runners in the race.
The campaign statements can be viewed by going to the city's Public Portal for Campaign Finance Disclosure and entering "Preserve Our Santa Barbara" in the search box.
© 2009 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com