Back on September 9, I along with Nick Welsh of the Independent and Lara Cooper of Noozhawk, taped a roundtable discussion, moderated by Jerry Roberts of Calbuzz, focusing on the upcoming Santa Barbara City elections.
The program has been playing in heavy rotation on the Santa Barbara Channels, channel 21. There's been a lot of campaigning and a lot written about the campaigns since then.
As the program wrapped up, Jerry asked each of us on the panel to make our predictions about the outcome of the election. If asked today, I'm not so sure I'd make the same prediction about Measure B that I did then. But, we'll see.
So, here's what I, along with Nick and Lara, predicted back then.
One reminder, they're predictions, not endorsements.
And, as long as you're in a video watching mood, let me recommend Larry Nimmer's series, "Touring with the Candidates."
Each of the candidates for Santa Barbara City Council and Mayor had 15 minutes of broadcast time to take Nimmer’s camera, and the viewers, on a tour of Santa Barbara. The itinerary and commentary was up to each candidate. Most of the tours start at the candidates’ home and continue by foot, car or bus.
You can check out the videos for the mayoral candidates here. And the ones for the council candidates are here.
As they say down at the cantina, they are muy divertido.
© 2009 by Craig Smith and