On those long holiday weekends, like the one that just passed, I often wonder, "if you live here, why leave town to go anywhere else?"
I can understand why farmers from Fresno, college kids from Claremont and El Aliens from L.A. would want to get out of Dodge and come over here, but if you live in Santa Barbara, you need a really good reason to fight the traffic to get out of town.
Did anyone from S.B. head up to Bishop for "Mule Days?"
Anyway, I hope you had a restful weekend because you're going to need it.
Here are just a few of the things that are happening today:
NLRB v. Santa Barbara News-Press redux. A lot of the same characters but a set of completely new charges, and a new administrative law judge to preside over it all.
The hearing begins at 9 am at the Santa Barbara College of Law (20 E. Victoria Street). The hearing will continue through the rest of this week and next and perhaps even beyond that.
At approximately 10 am, the California Supreme Court is scheduled to announce its decision on Proposition 8, the ballot initiative on same-sex marriage.
At 12:15 pm, Santa Barbara City Council member Grant House is holding a press conference on the front steps of city hall to announce that he is running for reelection.
Late this afternoon, firefighters who battled the Jesusita Fire are being honored by the Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Organization and others. Fire trucks will be parked in the 700 and 800 blocks of State Street from 4 to 7 pm. Brief formal ceremony starts at 5:15.
Then at 7 pm there will be a panel discussion on the Employee Free Choice Act at the Faulkner Gallery located at the Santa Barbara Public Library.
Now if I can only clone myself so I can cover all of these things.
© 2009 by Craig Smith and www.craigsmithsblog.com