The relatively low pay to be a member of the Santa Barbara City Council isn't keeping candidates away. I've learned that John Thyne will be filing the paperwork on Thursday to declare his intention to run as a candidate in the November election.

Besides his real estate brokerage, Thyne practices law in the field of civil litigation and is a colleague of mine on the faculty of Santa Barbara/Ventura Colleges of Law.
Thyne, who is single, has no children, hence fits the profile of the current members of the council.
Thyne describes himself as a "moderate" and claims no political party affiliation. He "supports intelligent growth but cherishes the character of Santa Barbara."
According to Thyne's press release he sees the three major issues facing the city as the budgetary challenges, public safety and Santa Barbara's uniquely beautiful character.
Thyne's press release includes the disclosure of the fact that he was previously convicted of driving under the influence. He was stopped after the 2007 Coastal Woman Magazine's "bachelor auction." He plead guilty, paid the fine, completed the required education program and did community service work as part of his sentence.
In terms of an adviser on his campaign Thyne indicates he will in all likelihood be working with James Kyriaco, who is the former administrative assistant to Second District County Supervisor Janet Wolf.
This is already a crowded field. Three seats on the council are up for election. If council member Helene Schneider, who is running for mayor, convinces the voters to give her a promotion, the fourth place finisher will take her seat.
Already in the race are current city council member Grant House, David Pritchett a member of the City's Transportation and Circulation committee, neighborhood activist Dianne Channing and city planning commissioner Bendy White.
It's also been reported that Santa Barbara County Action Network Associate Director Olivia Uribe is considering running as is Lane Anderson, who is involved with the Sunday Arlington West Memorials at West Beach.
And yes, I've probably left somebody out.
© 2009 by Craig Smith and