A few thoughts while looking at the news on my laptop, while waiting to catch a plane back home.
Travis Armstrong's assault on Rick Caruso continues in the News-Press this morning.
Dr. Laura snaps at Health Department, after management at Tre Luna restaurant on Coast Village Road claims it's the health inspectors who have decreed that dogs cannot be present in the outside dining area on the sidewalk.
Eleven years after the death of Princess Diana, "The Investigator" still thinks it's news.
According to my sources, in addition to Alex Pavlovic, who formerly wrote for the Daily Nexus, the News-Press will hire two more sports writers who will be starting this week.
Has anyone noticed that the News-Press hasn't been running the weekly feature on the Santa Barbara Athletic Round Table's local "Athletes of the Week?"
The powers that be at the paper were apparently miffed that the Round Table folks allowed former sports editor Barry Punzal to say a few words of farewell at one of the weekly luncheons after he was abruptly fired by the paper.
Spotted in the News-Press parking lot last Thursday; Arthur's new ride. It's a Mercedes which curiously had paper license plates announcing that it came from "BH Benz." That's "BH" as in "Beverly Hills."
I wonder what the local Santa Barbara car dealers who place those full-page ads in the News-Press think of that?
I'm not bothered so much by the fact that the 17 year old daughter of John McCain's choice for VP is five months pregnant. What I find troublesome is that the fact that Sarah Palin seems to think that her daughter's marriage to the 18 year old father will be a step towards solving the problem.