Monday's edition of the News-Press brought another "institutional opinion" to the editorial page.
This time it's in the form of five large black-and-white photos taken at East Beach purporting to illustrate that "the city has allowed the area to become the domain of gang vandals and other taggers."

The photos, which look like they were taken with a Kodak Brownie camera, are credited to Travis Armstrong himself and given their low resolution, it's honestly kind of hard to see what he's complaining about.
In one photo, you can see what appears to be a plastic grocery bag floating on the water where Mission Creek empties into the ocean.
I'm not sure what the indictment is supposed to be here. Is it that the city can't afford to employ as many guys to walk around with brooms and dustpans as Disneyland can?
I'm sure Wendy has plenty of household staff to pick up after her and Arthur. In fact, she probably has more maintenance people on her payroll than the City has on theirs. If she's so upset about the way things look down at East Beach, why doesn't she send her picker-uppers down there to tidy the beach front?
And if you think I'm joking about that consider this: I have, on more than one occasion, seen mayor Marty Blum and husband Joe picking up litter at the Mesa Lane steps.
From the "Why didn't I think of that?!" department, check out the "Not the L.A. Times website.
It's guaranteed to fool you on the first glance.
BTW, has anyone gone out and registered
Both the dismantling of the L.A. Times and the meltdown at the News-Press got mentioned in Dana Goodyear's "Postcard From Los Angeles" blog yesterday, which can be found on the the New Yorker's website.