There was no shortage of commentary over the weekend, both in the local blogosphere and in the Southern California mainstream media, about the premiere of Citizen McCaw.
The L.A. Times has an article on the sold out screening in this morning's edition of the paper.
One of the leading media blogs out of Los Angeles, LA Observed, had a post on it Sunday morning.
Closer to home, The Average Man gave it a rave review and George has a film geek's perspective.
Noted local musician, Glen Phillips, whose song (when he was with Toad The Wet Sprocket) "Stories I Tell" plays during one of the film's truly goosebump raising moments, talked about attending the premiere on his blog.
Local media producer John Quimby, had his take on the movie and Santa Barbara's true world class blogger, Doc Searls, now living in exile in Cambridge, Massachusetts, made note of the premiere.
By the way, am I the only guy who walked out of the Arlington Friday night thinking that News-Press associate editor Scott Steepleton bears a striking resemblance to "Larry the Cable Guy?"

Anyway, aguayo shed gave us her view from the balcony. And from checking out the discussion threads on the movie over at Blogabarbara, it sure seems to me like the naysayers are few and far between.
About the only place in town, other than SantaBarbarasBlog, where there's no mention either coming or going of Citizen McCaw is the News-Press.
In fact the "Never On Sunday" policy of local news seemed to be evident in yesterday's edition where the only local story of "substance" (and I use that term loosely) was the one on the front page about whether the stand down of Starbucks stores for three hours of training (which was nearly two weeks ago at this point) was successful.

There ought to be a better reason for doing an article other than allowing the reporter to do his research while on his coffee break.
Of course the "Citizen McCaw" premiere isn't the only recent story that the News-Press has failed to report lately. As far as I can determine the paper hasn't reported on the NLRB's move to seek immediate reinstatement of the eight fired reporters (which will be heard this afternoon in federal court in L.A.) or the fact that it settled, out of court, a lawsuit that was brought against it by former employees for failure to properly pay overtime.
I'll be reporting on the outcome of this afternoon's federal court hearing, even if the News-Press won't be.