To its credit, the Santa Barbara News-Press ran a rebuttal Sunday to its editorial of Monday a week ago, opposing the renewal of Measure D.
The article was written by County Supervisor Brooks Firestone. In it, Firestone starts out by saying:
The Feb. 18 News-Press editorial mentioned that some "schemers" were working on the renewal of Measure D. As the current chair of the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), the organization primarily involved with Measure D, that probably would include me as a "schemer." The renewal of this measure is important to the county, and should be considered seriously.
Firestone was given plenty of column inches to make his case. Let's hope that this is the start of the News-Press printing op-ed pieces that offer views opposing those expressed in the paper's editorials.
Here's a snippet of what the website looked like last night.

Considering that trio was knocked into the water on Sunday the 24th is this really "tomorrow's news today" or Monday's news Tuesday?
Actually the News-Press did report this story in Monday's edition. Maybe they just wanted to make sure they had plenty of stories to fill the paper for Tuesday.
Also in Monday's edition of the News-Press. An article running under a byline of "Staff Report" about a "water tasting" that was presided over by News-Press co-publisher, Arthur von Wiesenberger.
"Santa Barbara's best kept man" was quoted several times throughout the article. Talk about your self-serving tap water!
Add to your list of "roving reporters" KEYT assignment desk editor Kyra Jenkins. She's leaving TV Hill to take a reporting job at a station in Fresno.
She better be ready to cover a lot of dog fighting stories.
And are KEYT and its rival to the north, NBC affiliate KSBY, about to get into a smackdown over how Nielsen ratings numbers are possibly being pumped up?