Question of the day. How many people will show up at 10:30 on a Monday morning to watch a movie that is 40 years old?
More than you would think.
There was a pretty good crowd at the Metro to see The Thomas Crown Affair, a 1968 caper film starring Steve McQueen and a stunningly beautiful Faye Dunaway.
Among those in the audience, Independent columnist Barney Brantingham and wife/photographer Sue De Lapa.
It's funny how seeing a movie like that on the big screen can bring back memories of the first time I saw it in the theater. I was 16 years old and saw the movie with my best friend at the time, Rich Williams. Rich was killed about three years ago in an auto accident in northern California. Funny, if I hadn't seen the movie yesterday I don't think I would have recalled going to see it with Rich 40 years ago.
Nice touch. Film fest director Roger Durling introducing the movie to the audience at the 10:30 showing.
Best behaved crowd. Those who showed up for Thomas Crown affair. No cell phones ringing, and nobody text messaging during the film.
Worst behaved crowd. At the Arlington Sunday night for the showing of "Busting Down the Door" where a large audience of surfing aficionados pretty much busted down the door to get in. Extra volunteers had to be called in from other venues to help control things.
Best award presenter. Woody Harrelson, presenting Javier Bardem with the Montecito award. Harrelson; "I drove three hours to present this award, think how far I would go to pick one up."
Harrelson revealing that Bardem is dating Penelope Cruz; "I always thought the guy was gay."
There were two post-award parties Monday night. One at club EOS, down at Anacapa and Haley, and a smaller more exclusive gathering at Saks Fifth Ave. Yes, Saks. That meant that no red wine was served. Among those at the Saks party were film fest board chair Jeff Barbakow, film critic, Jeffrey Wells of Hollywood Elsewhere, Durling and Bardem and Harrelson.
Harrelson, overheard at the Saks party; "Let's head over to the Sportsman and get a real drink."
My film fest suggestions for Tuesday.

For a complete film fest schedule go to Edhat.
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