In case you missed it yesterday, the News-Press in its Sunday editorial came out against rudeness. The editorial concluded by saying; "And so this Sunday morning, let's all vow to begin to do our part by saying "good day" to our neighbors and being a bit kinder to those we encounter."
Actually, I first was alerted to the editorial by a post over on Blogabarbara. So I'll refer you there to read the comprehensive list of reasons as to why the editorial is so hilariously hypocritical.
I will say this though, considering how heavy handed News-Press owner Wendy McCaw has been in dealing with anyone whom she perceives as standing in her way, a plea in the News-Press for civility is a little like O.J. pleading for an end to violence against women.
In my "bonus coverage" on Friday, regarding Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's appearance at a Hope Ranch fundraiser, I said there was virtually no advance publicity regarding Pelosi coming to town. I was wrong, John Palminteri, who besides reporting for KEYT, also writes a weekly column for CASA Magazine, had the scoop on what was then Pelosi's upcoming appearance in the publication's July 13th edition.
A lot of us only bother to pick up CASA if we're in the market to buy a house but I've discovered it's a pretty good source of local news. It has a number of columnists in addition to Palminteri and a good community calendar. One of my favorite features is Gary Woods' weekly tech column. And you can't beat the price.
A few Sundays ago I was riding my bike in Montecito when I came across this sign advertising an open house. The thought that came to mind was, "if this guy has a real estate license who's next, Johnny Guitar?"
Amy Orozco, is leaving her position at Coastal View News, the weekly newspaper in Carpinteria where she is the Managing Editor. "Family reasons" are being cited as the reason for the departure.
Amy was one of the weekly "community notebook" columnists for the News-Press who was summarily let go by McCaw last August. In case you were wondering, she's is not related to either KEYT's Rosemary Orozco or to KCLU's Lance Orozco.
Today's last word comes from L.A. Times columnist Tim Rutten who on Saturday wrote; "Usually, what the public trusts a newspaper to do is to tell things, not withhold information."
I guess he never heard of the News-Press.
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