The rally marking the fifth anniversary of the meltdown at the News-Press was held on Thursday. Yes, the small turnout was a little disappointing but five years is a long time to hold the community's attention. Plus, five years ago people held out the hope that owner Wendy McCaw might be persuaded to give up the paper. That doesn't seem to be in the cards now.

I went to the rally because I want to support a group of people who stood up for what they believed in. They didn't vote to join the union because they wanted more money or less work to do, but rather, they wanted to make the News-Press a better paper. I'm sure everybody who's working there now wants the same, it's just that one person, owner McCaw, doesn't believe that a newspaper is bigger than any one person or that the owner of a newspaper shouldn't involve herself in the decisions made in the newsroom.

There's coverage of the rally in Noozhawk.
I used my newest toy, a Flip Video camera, to shoot some video of folksinger B Willing James performing, which I edited using iMovie on my iPad and uploaded to YouTube. And no, I'm no Martin Scorcese, but James is pretty good!
Thanks to Bob Klinger for the photos that accompanied this post.
(Photos in this post © Bob Klinger)
© 2011 by Craig Smith and