You might have noticed that there have been a couple of work stoppages here at Craig Smith's Blog over the last few weeks.
By "work stoppages" I'm referring to days when I had no new posts. There was one last Wednesday and if I recall there was another one around the beginning of the month.
It's not that there's not plenty to write about. It's just that lately I've sometimes felt that I haven't had enough time to devote to writing.
What I'm getting around to is that I've decided to cut back my blog postings to four days a week. Starting next week (or you might even say this week) there will be no posts on Wednesdays.
So the schedule will be new posts on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Fridays I will "re-run" my print column that appears Wednesdays in the Daily Sound.
Of course the schedule is subject to change should events on the News-Press front ever warrant it. After all rules are made to be broken.
But otherwise I intend to stick to the new schedule.
Thanks for reading and see you Thursday.
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